Coaching: 1:1 | integration | team
1:1: We help you
- get real with all aspects of your life – the good, the bad and the ugly
- take action to make big shifts and changes
- identify and blow up baggage that’s holding you back
- set goals and accomplish them
Integration coaching: We help leaders adapt to new roles in current or new organizations, offering guidance and strategies to increase your ease and comfort with the strategic, cultural and functional realities of a new job
Team coaching: We help teams
- gain greater clarity about and engagement around goals, objectives and roles
- amplify strengths and mitigate weaknesses
- achieve greater success, faster
- less storming, more performing
Learning + Talent Development
Our workplaces are evolving. To remain competitive and relevant, we must:
- Build amazing work relationships
- Be better coaches
- Know how to communicate in a connected workplace
- Be resilient
- Evolve with change
- Hit the ground running as a new team leaders
- Drive purposeful meetings
We’ve helped high performing national and global companies up their games – big time – through memorable and effective learning events in these critical areas. We can help you too, by developing sessions that meet your unique needs, engage your audience and deliver lasting results. Our creative and sustainable learning solutions work within your business needs and environment and include flexible facilitation formats where and when you need them, in-person or virtually.
Team Effectiveness
Teams make or break our performance. Agendas, levels of trust, role clarity and shared objectives all dictate the success or failure of a team. We help ensure you’ve got the right dynamics in play by:
- designing and delivering interactive, fun and engaging team events that foster insight and learning about high performance teamwork (collaboration, agility, communication, etc.)
- taking care of all associated event management and planning